Much like we can consciously choose a theme in our homes to design, we can also consciously choose the design of our lives. Just as we can choose our frequencies to operate from, we can choose the frequency that we want our space to inspire us from. You can do this through intentionally selecting items that tap into your sensory experience. Think about texture and tactility as a way to tap into your senses.

Moving forward we should consider trading out the ubiquitous medicine cabinet with a built in Apothecary Closet, as a measure toward taking our health into our own hands; learning about natural herbs and remedies not only as a form of prevention but also to aid us in healing.

An important task in the pursuit of a successful design is to identify your basic human needs and requirements and how to deliver that in a holistic and healthy way. This will also represent what sustainability is and how to keep toxicity levels down.

I want you to feel stable, balanced, and strong. From that place, you will bring new meaning into your life as a reflection of how you feel. You will be able to represent that restored passion through confident, balanced solutions in your space and with your time. You will be able to shift your focus onto things that bring you inspiration, looking for ways to enhance what you love and optimize your time in whatever task you perform.

Life is not about the things we have; it is about the feelings we have when experiencing those things.

There is a sacred symbiosis and harmony in all things; it is our natural desire to seek harmony or balance in life. The truth is that harmony unites all things. So, it is natural to seek harmony within our designs as an outward way of expressing harmony from within